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/ SGI Freeware 2002 November / SGI Freeware 2002 November - Disc 3.iso / dist / fw_qt3.idb / usr / freeware / Qt / bin / qtrename140.z / qtrename140
Text File  |  2002-04-08  |  5KB  |  123 lines

  1. #!/usr/bin/perl -pi.oldnames
  2. #
  3. #  Perl script to change programs to use the longer header-file names
  4. #  introduced in Qt version 1.40.  Note that Qt is distributed with
  5. #  compatilibity headers making this program unnecessary at present,
  6. #  but which may be discontinued in Qt 2.0.
  7. #
  8. #  This is version 1.0 of the conversion script.
  9. #
  10. #
  11. #  Copyright (C) 1998 by Trolltech AS.
  12. #
  13. #  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  14. #  documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
  15. #  provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies, that
  16. #  both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
  17. #  supporting documentation, and that any modifications are clearly
  18. #  annotated as not originating from the copyright holder.
  19. #
  20. #  This file is provided AS IS with no warranties of any kind.  The author
  21. #  shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of copyrights,
  22. #  trade secrets or any patents by this file or any part thereof.  In no
  23. #  event will the author be liable for any lost revenue or profits or
  24. #  other special, indirect and consequential damages.
  25. #
  27. s/\bqapp\./qapplication./g if /#include/;
  28. s/\bQAPP_H\b/QAPPLICATION_H/g if /#if/;
  29. s/\bqbitarry\./qbitarray./g if /#include/;
  30. s/\bQBITARRY_H\b/QBITARRAY_H/g if /#if/;
  31. s/\bqbttngrp\./qbuttongroup./g if /#include/;
  32. s/\bQBTTNGRP_H\b/QBUTTONGROUP_H/g if /#if/;
  33. s/\bqchkbox\./qcheckbox./g if /#include/;
  34. s/\bQCHKBOX_H\b/QCHECKBOX_H/g if /#if/;
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  36. s/\bQCLIPBRD_H\b/QCLIPBOARD_H/g if /#if/;
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  38. s/\bQCOLLECT_H\b/QCOLLECTION_H/g if /#if/;
  39. s/\bqcombo\./qcombobox./g if /#include/;
  40. s/\bQCOMBO_H\b/QCOMBOBOX_H/g if /#if/;
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  42. s/\bQCONNECT_H\b/QCONNECTION_H/g if /#if/;
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  71. s/\bqmsgbox\./qmessagebox./g if /#include/;
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  75. s/\bqpmcache\./qpixmapcache./g if /#include/;
  76. s/\bQPMCACHE_H\b/QPIXMAPCACHE_H/g if /#if/;
  77. s/\bqpntarry\./qpointarray./g if /#include/;
  78. s/\bQPNTARRY_H\b/QPOINTARRAY_H/g if /#if/;
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  80. s/\bQPOPMENU_H\b/QPOPUPMENU_H/g if /#if/;
  81. s/\bqprndlg\./qprintdialog./g if /#include/;
  82. s/\bQPRNDLG_H\b/QPRINTDIALOG_H/g if /#if/;
  83. s/\bqprogbar\./qprogressbar./g if /#include/;
  84. s/\bQPROGBAR_H\b/QPROGRESSBAR_H/g if /#if/;
  85. s/\bqprogdlg\./qprogressdialog./g if /#include/;
  86. s/\bQPROGDLG_H\b/QPROGRESSDIALOG_H/g if /#if/;
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  88. s/\bQPSPRN_H\b/QPSPRINTER_H/g if /#if/;
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  90. s/\bQPUSHBT_H\b/QPUSHBUTTON_H/g if /#if/;
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  92. s/\bQRADIOBT_H\b/QRADIOBUTTON_H/g if /#if/;
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  96. s/\bQSCRBAR_H\b/QSCROLLBAR_H/g if /#if/;
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  100. s/\bQTABDLG_H\b/QTABDIALOG_H/g if /#if/;
  101. s/\bqtablevw\./qtableview./g if /#include/;
  102. s/\bQTABLEVW_H\b/QTABLEVIEW_H/g if /#if/;
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  104. s/\bQTSTREAM_H\b/QTEXTSTREAM_H/g if /#if/;
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  112. s/\bQFONTMET_H\b/QFONTMETRICS_H/g if /#if/;
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  120. s/\bQPAINTDC_H\b/QPAINTDEVICEDEFS_H/g if /#if/;
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